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Season Subscriptions
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

NEW Patron Subscriber - Reserved Seating $0.00

RETURNING Patron Subscriber - Reserved Seating $0.00

(have Holiday/Miller tickets from April)

NEW Open Seating Subscriber $0.00

RETURNING Open Seating Subscriber $0.00

(have Holiday/Miller tickets from April)

STUDENT Season Ticket $0.00
Patron Seating ~ Single Tickets
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Patron: September 27, 2024 $0.00

Patron: December 1, 2024 $0.00

Patron: January 11, 2025 $0.00

Patron: February 22, 2025 $0.00

Patron: April 26, 2025 $0.00
Open Seating ~ Single Tickets
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Open Seating: September 27, 2024 $0.00

Open Seating: December 1, 2024 $0.00

Open Seating: January 11, 2025 $0.00

Open Seating: February 22, 2025 $0.00

Open Seating: April 26, 2025 $0.00
Student ~ Single Tickets
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Student: September 27, 2024 $0.00

Student: December 1, 2024 $0.00

Student: January 11, 2025 $0.00

Student: February 22, 2025 $0.00

Student: April 26, 2025 $0.00
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Artist Sponsorship starts at $1,500 $0.00

Help cover the costs of the artists' honoraria for their performances and may also help cover any housing or transportation costs.

Series Sponsorship starts at $2,500 $0.00

Help fund the Artistic Director position and also help him realize goals for the Concert Series by supporting production costs entailed in presenting world-class  artists.

I would like to make a donation to the SYV Concert Series
